Become a Member

the perfect way to show your support for our Education initiatives and to preserve transportation history
Membership Information
- Unlimited FREE admission to the museum throughout the season!
- FREE or reduced rates to museum programs and events.
- One FREE cap or tee shirt with purchase of membership.
- 10% off items in museum gift shop.
- Invitation to ‘members only’ events and meetings.
- Exclusive privileges to check out materials in the extensive Wings & Wheels Museum Library.
- *Lifetime members receive a special name badge, and are featured prominently on the museums ‘Wall of Fame’.
Sponsorship Information
All Sponsors will be featured prominently on our “Wall of Fame” at the Museum entrance.
Silver and higher Sponsors will be featured prominently on our website.
Silver and higher Sponsors will be featured in special signage on display at all Museum events.
Gold and Platinum Sponsors are entitled to 50% off rental fees to rent Museum facilities.
*Platinum Plus Sponsors may use Museum rental spaces free of charge! In addition, they will have their name or business printed on all Museum brochures, special events flyers, and on glassware at our wine tasting events.